
SimulationCraft 623-02

for World of Warcraft 6.2.3 Live (build level 20726)

Current simulator hotfixes


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2015-09-01 Touch of the Grave now scales its damage based on 50% of the character's Attack Power or Spell Power, whichever is greater.
Touch of the Grave (effect#1) average 0.00 8.00


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2015-07-20 Bestial Wrath now lasts 15 seconds (up from 10 seconds).
Bestial Wrath duration 15000.00 10000.00
2015-07-20 Serpent Sting damage increased by 25%.
Serpent Sting (effect#1) ap_coefficient 0.91 0.73
2015-07-20 Black Arrow damage increased by 25%.
Black Arrow (effect#1) ap_coefficient 0.71 0.57


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2015-11-18 Infallible Tracking Charm now has a massively increased damage and chance to trigger, but now only increases damage against demons for 5 seconds (down from 10 seconds.)
Demonbane rppm 3.00 0.96


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2015-07-20 Dragon's Breath damage increased by 150%
Dragon's Breath (effect#1) sp_coefficient 2.15 0.86
2015-07-20 Flamestrike DOT damage increased by 50%
Flamestrike (effect#2) sp_coefficient 0.15 0.10
2015-07-20 Flamestrike impact damage increased by 50%
Flamestrike (effect#1) sp_coefficient 1.17 0.78


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2016-01-30 Hammer of Wrath did not receive a 8% damage buff in 6.2.3.
Hammer of Wrath (effect#1) sp_coefficient 2.40 2.59


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2015-07-20 Mastery: Molten Earth damage has been increased by 11%.
Molten Earth (effect#1) sp_coefficient 1.11 1.00
2015-07-20 Ascendance now has a 2-minute cooldown (down from 3 minutes) for Elemental Shaman.
Ascendance cooldown 120000.00 180000.00


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2015-07-20 Incinerate damage increased by 5%.
Incinerate (effect#1) sp_coefficient 1.51 1.43
2015-07-20 Immolate damage increased by 5%.
Immolate (effect#1) sp_coefficient 0.52 0.50
2015-07-20 Conflagrate damage increased by 5%.
Conflagrate (effect#1) sp_coefficient 2.14 2.04
2015-07-20 Chaos Bolt damage increased by 5%.
Chaos Bolt (effect#1) sp_coefficient 2.39 2.28
2015-07-20 Conflagrate damage increased by 5%.
Conflagrate (effect#1) sp_coefficient 2.14 2.04
2015-07-20 Shadowburn damage increased by 5%.
Shadowburn (effect#2) sp_coefficient 3.57 3.40
2015-07-20 Incinerate damage increased by 5%.
Incinerate (effect#1) sp_coefficient 1.51 1.43
2015-07-20 Immolate damage increased by 5%.
Immolate (effect#1) sp_coefficient 0.52 0.50
2015-07-20 Chaos Bolt damage increased by 5%.
Chaos Bolt (effect#1) sp_coefficient 2.39 2.28

Gripxx : 103360 dps

Results, Spec and Gear

DPS DPS(e) DPS Error DPS Range DPR
103359.6 103359.6 73.3 / 0.071% 14581.1 / 14.1% 7163.7
RPS Out RPS In Primary Resource Waiting APM Active Skill
12.9 12.9 Focus 0.00% 45.5 100.0% 100%
  • 15: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera
  • 30: Binding Shot
  • 45: Iron Hawk
  • 60: Thrill of the Hunt
  • 75: Stampede
  • 90: Barrage
  • 100: Lone Wolf
  • Talent Calculator
  • Glyph of Disengage
  • Glyph of Deterrence
  • Glyph of Chimaera Shot
  • Glyph of Aspect of the Pack
  • Glyph of Stampede
  • Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah
  • mining: 636
  • jewelcrafting: 600


Action DPET Chart Action Damage Chart
DPS Timeline Chart Time Spent Chart


Damage Stats DPS DPS% Execute Interval DPE DPET Type Count Hit Crit Avg Crit% Avoid% B% M-Count M-Hit M-Crit M-Crit% Up%
Gripxx 103360
Aimed Shot 28003 27.1% 86.0 5.20sec 146229 145575 Direct 85.9 47455 133328 120417 85.0% 0.0% 0.0% 61.0 14236 40288 85.2%  

Stats details: aimed_shot

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 85.98 85.94 0.00 0.00 1.0045 0.0000 12572150.55 19321410.31 34.93 145575.03 145575.03
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 51.97 85.17% 40287.54 32856 52277 40378.43 35798 46339 2094023 3218183 34.93
multistrike 9.05 14.83% 14235.87 14230 22641 14236.13 14230 15784 128885 198075 34.93
hit 12.92 15.04% 47454.62 47432 75469 47456.09 47432 50887 613284 942521 34.93
crit 73.02 84.96% 133327.91 109522 174257 133649.58 123826 147196 9735959 14962631 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: aimed_shot

Static Values
  • id:19434
  • school:physical
  • resource:focus
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:100.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:50.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:talent.focusing_shot.enabled
  • id:19434
  • name:Aimed Shot
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:A powerful aimed shot that deals $sw2 Physical damage. Castable while moving.
  • normalized:true
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:5.00
auto_shot 8105 7.9% 163.3 2.76sec 22295 9131 Direct 163.3 11086 25594 18416 50.5% 0.0% 0.0% 114.1 3339 7710 50.6%  

Stats details: auto_shot

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 163.32 163.32 0.00 0.00 2.4418 0.0000 3641233.59 5596001.10 34.93 9130.59 9130.59
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 57.76 50.62% 7709.87 6916 11024 7714.71 7044 8532 445322 684390 34.93
multistrike 56.35 49.38% 3339.08 2995 4774 3340.93 3069 3756 188170 289188 34.93
hit 80.81 49.48% 11086.37 9985 15914 11092.65 10486 11791 895875 1376818 34.93
crit 82.51 50.52% 25593.90 23055 36746 25608.14 24195 27293 2111867 3245605 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: auto_shot

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:3.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
Barrage 8117 7.9% 16.8 24.37sec 217298 72901 Periodic 266.2 6247 14425 10383 50.6% 0.0% 0.0% 183.6 2881 6651 50.6% 10.2%

Stats details: barrage

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 16.76 16.76 268.12 266.19 2.9808 0.1708 3642783.02 5126537.39 28.94 72900.86 72900.86
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 16.76 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Tick Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 92.9 50.59% 6651.22 6603 10506 6650.20 6603 7291 617646 617646 0.00
multistrike 90.7 49.41% 2880.59 2860 4550 2880.17 2860 3214 261281 261281 0.00
hit 131.6 49.43% 6247.29 6203 9869 6246.28 6203 6759 821964 1263229 34.93
crit 134.6 50.57% 14425.40 14322 22787 14422.98 14322 15558 1941892 2984381 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: barrage

Static Values
  • id:120360
  • school:physical
  • resource:focus
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:60.0
  • cooldown:20.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:120360
  • name:Barrage
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:Rapidly fires a spray of shots for {$120360d=3 seconds}, dealing $<damagePri> Physical damage to the enemy target and an average of $<damageSec> Physical damage to each other enemy target in front of you. Usable while moving.
Damage Over Time
  • tick_may_crit:false
  • tick_zero:true
  • attack_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • base_td:0.00
  • dot_duration:3.00
  • base_tick_time:0.20
  • hasted_ticks:false
  • dot_behavior:DOT_REFRESH

Action details: barrage_primary

Static Values
  • id:120361
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:30.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:3.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:120361
  • name:Barrage
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc120360=Rapidly fires a spray of shots for {$120360d=3 seconds}, dealing $<damagePri> Physical damage to the enemy target and an average of $<damageSec> Physical damage to each other enemy target in front of you. Usable while moving. }
  • normalized:true
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:0.85
Chimaera Shot 0 (21033) 0.0% (20.4%) 44.8 10.21sec 211041 210097

Stats details: chimaera_shot

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 44.76 44.76 0.00 0.00 1.0045 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 210096.56 210096.56
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 22.11 49.40% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
crit 22.65 50.60% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: chimaera_shot

Static Values
  • id:53209
  • school:froststrike
  • resource:focus
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:35.0
  • cooldown:9.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:53209
  • name:Chimaera Shot
  • school:nature
  • tooltip:
  • description:A two-headed shot that hits your primary target and another nearby target, dealing $171454sw3 Nature or Frost damage to each target.
    Chimaera Shot (_frost) 10451 10.1% 0.0 0.00sec 0 0 Direct 22.3 104667 241462 173709 50.5% 0.0% 0.0% 15.6 31415 72529 50.8%  

Stats details: chimaera_shot_frost

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 0.00 22.31 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 4693457.77 4693457.77 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 7.94 50.78% 72528.84 66654 106051 72504.44 0 106051 576148 576148 0.00
multistrike 7.70 49.22% 31415.28 28867 45929 31413.79 0 45929 241835 241835 0.00
hit 11.05 49.53% 104667.00 96223 153098 104720.24 96223 153098 1156685 1156685 0.00
crit 11.26 50.47% 241462.44 222179 353503 241609.95 222179 306697 2718789 2718789 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: chimaera_shot_frost

Static Values
  • id:171454
  • school:frost
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:40.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:171454
  • name:Chimaera Shot
  • school:frost
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc53209=A two-headed shot that hits your primary target and another nearby target, dealing $171454sw3 Nature or Frost damage to each target.}
  • normalized:true
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:6.60
    Chimaera Shot (_nature) 10582 10.2% 0.0 0.00sec 0 0 Direct 22.4 105427 243377 175223 50.6% 0.0% 0.0% 15.7 31658 73188 50.6%  

Stats details: chimaera_shot_nature

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 0.00 22.40 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 4753323.98 4753323.98 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 7.96 50.65% 73188.25 67159 106854 73206.84 0 106854 582299 582299 0.00
multistrike 7.75 49.35% 31658.24 29086 46277 31651.10 0 46277 245445 245445 0.00
hit 11.07 49.41% 105426.77 96952 154258 105469.50 96952 132666 1166938 1166938 0.00
crit 11.33 50.59% 243377.50 223862 356181 243478.77 223862 321686 2758642 2758642 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: chimaera_shot_nature

Static Values
  • id:171457
  • school:nature
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:40.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:171457
  • name:Chimaera Shot
  • school:nature
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc53209=A two-headed shot that hits your primary target and another nearby target, dealing $171454sw3 Nature or Frost damage to each target.}
  • normalized:true
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:6.65
Kill Shot 8940 8.6% 24.7 5.80sec 162045 161324 Direct 24.7 80641 186367 134352 50.8% 0.0% 0.0% 17.1 24204 55867 50.5%  

Stats details: kill_shot

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 24.70 24.67 0.00 0.00 1.0045 0.0000 4003090.94 6152118.71 34.93 161323.89 161323.89
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 8.66 50.53% 55867.21 51590 82083 55894.80 0 82083 483861 743618 34.93
multistrike 8.48 49.47% 24204.35 22343 35549 24211.68 0 35549 205254 315443 34.93
hit 12.13 49.20% 80640.91 74477 118497 80635.95 74477 101002 978586 1503932 34.93
crit 12.53 50.80% 186367.07 171968 273610 186434.62 171968 222479 2335390 3589126 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: kill_shot

Static Values
  • id:53351
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:45.0
  • travel_speed:80.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:10.000
  • base_execute_time:-1000.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:53351
  • name:Kill Shot
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing $sw2 Physical damage. Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health. If the target dies, the Hunter will regain {$164851s1=15}% of maximum health. If Kill Shot fails to kill the target, the cooldown is reset.
Direct Damage
  • may_crit:true
  • base_dd_min:1.00
  • base_dd_max:1.00
  • normalized:true
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:7.85
Maalus 12422 12.0% 4.2 120.87sec 1339166 0 Direct 4.2 1339144 0 1339144 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 0 0 0.0%  

Stats details: maalus

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 4.15 4.15 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 5561442.91 5561442.91 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 4.15 100.00% 1339144.05 635734 2331377 1342592.45 1061222 1663406 5561443 5561443 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: maalus

Static Values
  • id:187626
  • school:arcane
  • resource:none
  • range:-1.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:187626
  • name:Maalus
  • school:arcane
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc187615=Awakens the powers of all the Savage Hallows worn by you and your allies, increasing damage dealt by ${$m1/100}% for {$187620d=15 seconds}. When this effect ends, each empowered player unleashes a blast of light that strikes all enemies within $187626A1 yards of the initiating player's location, inflicting damage equal to ${$m1/100}% of all damage they dealt while empowered. (2 min shared cooldown)}
Direct Damage
  • may_crit:false
  • base_dd_min:3310554.63
  • base_dd_max:3310554.63
Stampede 0 (5315) 0.0% (5.1%) 2.0 362.88sec 1187002 1182273

Stats details: stampede

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.0045 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 1182272.99 1182272.99
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 2.00 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: stampede

Static Values
  • id:121818
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:300.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:false
  • if_expr:buff.rapid_fire.up|buff.bloodlust.up|target.time_to_die<=25
  • id:121818
  • name:Stampede
  • school:nature
  • tooltip:
  • description:Summons all of your pets to fight your current target for {$d=40 seconds}. While in an Arena or Battleground, these pets deal only ${100+$130201m1}% of their normal damage.
    melee (cat) 6518 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7697 6322 Direct 61.7 3929 7857 6307 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.7 1193 2386 60.7%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474838.88 729752.39 34.93 6321.91 6321.91
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.13 60.65% 2386.16 1793 2952 2391.79 1957 2831 64727 99475 34.93
multistrike 17.60 39.35% 1193.25 896 1476 1196.01 944 1476 20999 32272 34.93
hit 24.33 39.44% 3928.62 2988 4920 3935.64 3399 4920 95595 146914 34.93
crit 37.36 60.56% 7856.52 5976 9840 7872.54 7033 9206 293519 451092 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
    melee (cat1) 6523 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7702 6326 Direct 61.7 3928 7857 6312 60.7% 0.0% 0.0% 44.7 1193 2387 60.6%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 475124.91 730191.97 34.93 6325.72 6325.72
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.10 60.62% 2387.17 1793 2952 2393.07 2026 2869 64692 99422 34.93
multistrike 17.61 39.38% 1193.36 896 1476 1196.03 945 1476 21010 32289 34.93
hit 24.26 39.32% 3928.43 2988 4920 3936.35 3271 4744 95285 146438 34.93
crit 37.44 60.68% 7856.77 5976 9840 7872.15 7088 8887 294138 452043 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
    melee (cat2) 6519 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7697 6322 Direct 61.7 3929 7856 6311 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.6 1193 2386 60.7%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474857.73 729781.36 34.93 6322.16 6322.16
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.08 60.70% 2385.93 1793 2952 2391.20 2034 2836 64618 99308 34.93
multistrike 17.54 39.30% 1193.09 896 1476 1195.90 965 1476 20924 32157 34.93
hit 24.28 39.36% 3928.93 2988 4920 3936.64 3334 4759 95393 146603 34.93
crit 37.41 60.64% 7856.12 5976 9840 7872.82 6951 9076 293923 451713 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
    melee (cat3) 6516 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7695 6320 Direct 61.7 3928 7857 6308 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.7 1193 2387 60.5%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474694.60 729530.65 34.93 6319.99 6319.99
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.02 60.51% 2387.39 1793 2952 2392.89 1978 2863 64510 99141 34.93
multistrike 17.63 39.49% 1192.85 896 1476 1195.71 929 1476 21036 32329 34.93
hit 24.33 39.43% 3928.05 2988 4920 3936.29 3133 4678 95559 146859 34.93
crit 37.37 60.57% 7857.27 5976 9840 7873.82 6973 9055 293590 451202 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
    melee (cat4) 6515 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7691 6317 Direct 61.7 3930 7855 6307 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.6 1193 2387 60.5%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474488.03 729213.19 34.93 6317.24 6317.24
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 26.97 60.51% 2387.01 1793 2952 2392.28 2025 2858 64390 98957 34.93
multistrike 17.61 39.49% 1192.95 896 1476 1196.04 918 1476 21004 32280 34.93
hit 24.33 39.44% 3929.74 2988 4920 3937.89 3289 4782 95614 146944 34.93
crit 37.36 60.56% 7855.06 5976 9840 7871.18 6763 9041 293479 451031 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
Steady Shot 6016 5.8% 142.7 3.09sec 18988 11201 Direct 142.4 8128 20220 15732 62.9% 0.0% 0.0% 99.0 2438 6081 62.9%  

Stats details: steady_shot

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 142.66 142.43 0.00 0.00 1.6952 0.0000 2708774.23 4162958.29 34.93 11200.69 11200.69
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 62.27 62.91% 6080.91 5586 8887 6084.02 5669 6699 378689 581985 34.93
multistrike 36.71 37.09% 2438.24 2419 3849 2437.94 2419 2610 89507 137558 34.93
hit 52.87 37.12% 8127.96 8064 12830 8127.02 8064 8544 429711 660397 34.93
crit 89.56 62.88% 20219.53 18619 29624 20229.93 19302 21593 1810868 2783018 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: steady_shot

Static Values
  • id:56641
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:40.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:focus.deficit*cast_time%(14+cast_regen)>cooldown.rapid_fire.remains
  • id:56641
  • name:Steady Shot
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:A steady shot that causes $sw2 Physical damage and generates {$77443s1=14} Focus. Usable while moving.
  • normalized:true
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:0.85
pet - mirror_image_(trinket) 15678 / 5409
Felstorm 15678 5.2% 31.9 60.80sec 75896 75897 Periodic 397.3 3084 6170 4576 49.8% 1.5% 3.6% 278.2 1448 2896 50.5% 131.4%

Stats details: felstorm

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 31.94 31.94 397.29 397.29 1.0000 1.4876 2424455.02 3431757.43 29.35 3891.88 75897.04
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 31.94 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Tick Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 135.4 50.54% 2896.10 2325 3661 2898.26 2677 3145 392111 392111 0.00
multistrike_crit (blocked) 5.2 1.31% 2894.96 2325 3661 2876.05 0 3661 15122 15122 0.00
multistrike 132.5 49.46% 1447.68 1162 1831 1448.78 1315 1580 191853 191853 0.00
multistrike (blocked) 5.1 1.28% 1446.59 1162 1831 1438.69 0 1831 7357 7357 0.00
hit 186.1 46.85% 3118.62 2521 3971 3120.84 2907 3310 580512 892155 34.93
hit (blocked) 7.2 1.81% 2183.81 1765 2779 2183.32 0 2779 15671 34405 54.38
crit 190.7 48.01% 6238.44 5042 7941 6242.81 5863 6654 1189951 1828767 34.93
crit (blocked) 7.3 1.84% 4371.62 3530 5559 4374.84 0 5559 31878 69987 54.42
parry 5.9 1.49% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: felstorm

Static Values
  • id:184279
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:!ticking
  • id:184279
  • name:Felstorm
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:Striking for $184280m1% weapon damage every $t1 sec. Unable to use abilities during Felstorm.
  • description:Strikes all nearby targets within $184280A1 yards for $184280m1% weapon damage every $t1 sec for {$d=20 seconds}. The Mirror Image cannot perform any other abilities during Felstorm.
Damage Over Time
  • tick_may_crit:false
  • tick_zero:false
  • attack_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • base_td:0.00
  • dot_duration:20.00
  • base_tick_time:2.00
  • hasted_ticks:true
  • dot_behavior:DOT_REFRESH

Action details: felstorm_tick

Static Values
  • id:184280
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:184280
  • name:Felstorm
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc184279=Strikes all nearby targets within $184280A1 yards for $184280m1% weapon damage every $t1 sec for {$d=20 seconds}. The Mirror Image cannot perform any other abilities during Felstorm.}
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:0.50
pet - cat 6518 / 1063
melee 6518 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7697 6322 Direct 61.7 3929 7857 6307 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.7 1193 2386 60.7%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474838.88 729752.39 34.93 6321.91 6321.91
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.13 60.65% 2386.16 1793 2952 2391.79 1957 2831 64727 99475 34.93
multistrike 17.60 39.35% 1193.25 896 1476 1196.01 944 1476 20999 32272 34.93
hit 24.33 39.44% 3928.62 2988 4920 3935.64 3399 4920 95595 146914 34.93
crit 37.36 60.56% 7856.52 5976 9840 7872.54 7033 9206 293519 451092 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
pet - cat1 6523 / 1064
melee 6523 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7702 6326 Direct 61.7 3928 7857 6312 60.7% 0.0% 0.0% 44.7 1193 2387 60.6%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 475124.91 730191.97 34.93 6325.72 6325.72
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.10 60.62% 2387.17 1793 2952 2393.07 2026 2869 64692 99422 34.93
multistrike 17.61 39.38% 1193.36 896 1476 1196.03 945 1476 21010 32289 34.93
hit 24.26 39.32% 3928.43 2988 4920 3936.35 3271 4744 95285 146438 34.93
crit 37.44 60.68% 7856.77 5976 9840 7872.15 7088 8887 294138 452043 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
pet - cat2 6519 / 1063
melee 6519 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7697 6322 Direct 61.7 3929 7856 6311 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.6 1193 2386 60.7%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474857.73 729781.36 34.93 6322.16 6322.16
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.08 60.70% 2385.93 1793 2952 2391.20 2034 2836 64618 99308 34.93
multistrike 17.54 39.30% 1193.09 896 1476 1195.90 965 1476 20924 32157 34.93
hit 24.28 39.36% 3928.93 2988 4920 3936.64 3334 4759 95393 146603 34.93
crit 37.41 60.64% 7856.12 5976 9840 7872.82 6951 9076 293923 451713 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
pet - cat3 6516 / 1063
melee 6516 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7695 6320 Direct 61.7 3928 7857 6308 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.7 1193 2387 60.5%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474694.60 729530.65 34.93 6319.99 6319.99
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 27.02 60.51% 2387.39 1793 2952 2392.89 1978 2863 64510 99141 34.93
multistrike 17.63 39.49% 1192.85 896 1476 1195.71 929 1476 21036 32329 34.93
hit 24.33 39.43% 3928.05 2988 4920 3936.29 3133 4678 95559 146859 34.93
crit 37.37 60.57% 7857.27 5976 9840 7873.82 6973 9055 293590 451202 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
pet - cat4 6515 / 1062
melee 6515 1.0% 61.7 6.53sec 7691 6317 Direct 61.7 3930 7855 6307 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 44.6 1193 2387 60.5%  

Stats details: melee

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 61.69 61.69 0.00 0.00 1.2175 0.0000 474488.03 729213.19 34.93 6317.24 6317.24
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
multistrike_crit 26.97 60.51% 2387.01 1793 2952 2392.28 2025 2858 64390 98957 34.93
multistrike 17.61 39.49% 1192.95 896 1476 1196.04 918 1476 21004 32280 34.93
hit 24.33 39.44% 3929.74 2988 4920 3937.89 3289 4782 95614 146944 34.93
crit 37.36 60.56% 7855.06 5976 9840 7871.18 6763 9041 293479 451031 34.93
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: melee

Static Values
  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:2.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.285714
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
Healing and Absorb Stats HPS HPS% Execute Interval HPE HPET Type Count Hit Crit Avg Crit%
Gripxx 0
Simple Action Stats Execute Interval
Arcane Torrent 5.5 90.93sec

Stats details: arcane_torrent

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 5.48 5.48 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 5.48 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: arcane_torrent

Static Values
  • id:80483
  • school:arcane
  • resource:none
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:90.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:focus.deficit>=30
  • id:80483
  • name:Arcane Torrent
  • school:arcane
  • tooltip:Silenced.
  • description:Silence all enemies within $A1 yards for {$d=2 seconds} and restore {$s2=15} of your Focus. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for {$32747d=3 seconds}.
Burning Mirror 8.0 60.80sec

Stats details: burning_mirror

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 7.99 7.99 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 7.99 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: burning_mirror

Static Values
  • id:184270
  • school:arcane
  • resource:none
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:0.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:false
  • if_expr:
  • id:184270
  • name:Burning Mirror
  • school:arcane
  • tooltip:
  • description:Summons {$?s19574=false}[${$m1/2}][$m1] Mirror Images to attack your target and nearby enemies for {$184271d=20 seconds}.
Draenic Agility Potion (potion) 2.0 0.00sec

Stats details: draenic_agility_potion

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Tick Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 2.0 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: potion

Static Values
  • id:156423
  • school:none
  • resource:none
  • range:-1.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:60.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:false
  • if_expr:
  • id:156423
  • name:Draenic Agility Potion
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:Agility increased by {$s1=1000}.
  • description:Increases your Agility by {$s1=1000} for {$d=25 seconds}.
Rapid Fire 4.3 121.25sec

Stats details: rapid_fire

Type Executes Direct Results Ticks Tick Results Execute Time per Execution Tick Time per Tick Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill % Amount per Total Time Amount per Total Execute Time
damage 4.35 4.35 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  Simulation Iteration Average  
Direct Results Count Pct Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Actual Amount Total Amount Overkill %
hit 4.35 100.00% 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
DPS Timeline Chart

Action details: rapid_fire

Static Values
  • id:3045
  • school:physical
  • resource:none
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • min_gcd:1.0000
  • base_cost:0.0
  • cooldown:120.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • harmful:true
  • if_expr:
  • id:3045
  • name:Rapid Fire
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:Increases haste by $w1%.
  • description:Increases haste by {$s1=40}% for {$d=15 seconds}.


Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh Interval Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow
Bloodlust 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 9.05% 15.49% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_bloodlust
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.00
  • cooldown:300.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • bloodlust_1:9.05%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:2825
  • name:Bloodlust
  • tooltip:Haste increased by {$s1=30}%.
  • description:Increases haste by {$s1=30}% for all party and raid members within $a1 yards. Lasts {$d=40 seconds}. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for {$57724d=600 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:40.00
  • cooldown:300.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Careful Aim 10.9 0.0 42.8sec 38.4sec 27.26% 41.53% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_careful_aim
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.50

Stack Uptimes

  • careful_aim_1:27.26%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:34483
  • name:Careful Aim
  • tooltip:
  • description:Increases the critical strike chance of your Steady Shot, Focusing Shot, and Aimed Shot by {$s1=50}% on targets who are above {$s2=80}% health or while Rapid Fire is active.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Draenic Agility Potion 2.0 0.0 363.7sec 0.0sec 10.25% 10.31% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_draenic_agility_potion
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:25.00
  • cooldown:1.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stat Buff details

  • stat:agility
  • amount:1000.00

Stack Uptimes

  • draenic_agility_potion_1:10.25%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:156423
  • name:Draenic Agility Potion
  • tooltip:Agility increased by {$s1=1000}.
  • description:Increases your Agility by {$s1=1000} for {$d=25 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:25.00
  • cooldown:1.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Maalus 4.4 0.0 120.9sec 120.8sec 14.33% 22.66% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_maalus
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.44

Stack Uptimes

  • maalus_1:14.33%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:187620
  • name:Maalus
  • tooltip:$?$w1>0[Damage dealt increased by $w1%. When this effect ends, the triggering ally will explode for $w1% of all damage dealt while empowered.][Contributing toward the master's Savage Hollows.]
  • description:{$@spelldesc187615=Awakens the powers of all the Savage Hallows worn by you and your allies, increasing damage dealt by ${$m1/100}% for {$187620d=15 seconds}. When this effect ends, each empowered player unleashes a blast of light that strikes all enemies within $187626A1 yards of the initiating player's location, inflicting damage equal to ${$m1/100}% of all damage they dealt while empowered. (2 min shared cooldown)}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter 10.4 3.5 44.7sec 32.9sec 32.09% 32.14% 3.5(3.5)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_oglethorpes_missile_splitter
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:12.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stat Buff details

  • stat:multistrike_rating
  • amount:750.00

Stack Uptimes

  • oglethorpes_missile_splitter_1:32.09%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:156055
  • name:Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter
  • tooltip:Multistrike increased by $w1.
  • description:Multistrike increased by {$s1=750}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:12.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Rapid Fire 4.3 0.0 121.2sec 121.2sec 13.93% 18.42% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_rapid_fire
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • rapid_fire_1:13.93%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:3045
  • name:Rapid Fire
  • tooltip:Increases haste by $w1%.
  • description:Increases haste by {$s1=40}% for {$d=15 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:120.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Rapid Fire (_t18) 8.2 0.0 49.0sec 49.0sec 6.81% 22.66% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_rapid_fire_t18
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:4.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:40.00%
  • default_value:0.40

Stack Uptimes

  • rapid_fire_t18_1:6.81%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:40.13%

Spelldata details

  • id:188202
  • name:Rapid Fire
  • tooltip:Increases haste by $w1%.
  • description:Increases haste by {$s1=40}% for {$d=4 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:4.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Mastery: Sniper Training (sniper_training) 1.0 899.1 0.0sec 0.5sec 100.00% 100.00% 899.1(899.1)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_sniper_training
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:6.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • sniper_training_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:76659
  • name:Mastery: Sniper Training
  • tooltip:
  • description:When you stand still for {$168809d=3 seconds}, you gain Sniper Training for {$s3=6} sec, which increases your damage, shot range, and critical strike damage by {$s1=0}%.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Stampede 2.0 0.0 362.7sec 362.7sec 16.36% 16.42% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_stampede
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.03
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • stampede_1:16.36%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:130201
  • name:Stampede
  • tooltip:
  • description:
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Thrill of the Hunt 18.4 16.5 24.6sec 12.8sec 52.09% 73.36% 16.5(32.4)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_thrill_of_the_hunt
  • max_stacks:3
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • thrill_of_the_hunt_1:12.08%
  • thrill_of_the_hunt_2:18.51%
  • thrill_of_the_hunt_3:21.50%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:23.62%

Spelldata details

  • id:34720
  • name:Thrill of the Hunt
  • tooltip:Reduces the Focus cost of your next Arcane Shot, Aimed Shot, or Multi-Shot by {$s1=20}.
  • description:{$@spelldesc109306=You have a {$s1=6}% chance per 10 Focus spent on Focus-costing attacks to trigger Thrill of the Hunt. Thrill of the Hunt reduces the Focus cost of your next {$s2=3} Arcane Shots, Aimed Shots, or Multi-Shots by {$34720s1=20}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
Stampede 2.0 0.0 362.7sec 362.7sec 100.00% 100.00% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx_cat
  • cooldown name:buff_stampede
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.03
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • stampede_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:130201
  • name:Stampede
  • tooltip:
  • description:
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Stampede 2.0 0.0 362.7sec 362.7sec 100.00% 100.00% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx_cat1
  • cooldown name:buff_stampede
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.03
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • stampede_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:130201
  • name:Stampede
  • tooltip:
  • description:
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Stampede 2.0 0.0 362.7sec 362.7sec 100.00% 100.00% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx_cat2
  • cooldown name:buff_stampede
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.03
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • stampede_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:130201
  • name:Stampede
  • tooltip:
  • description:
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Stampede 2.0 0.0 362.7sec 362.7sec 100.00% 100.00% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx_cat3
  • cooldown name:buff_stampede
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.03
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • stampede_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:130201
  • name:Stampede
  • tooltip:
  • description:
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Stampede 2.0 0.0 362.7sec 362.7sec 100.00% 100.00% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx_cat4
  • cooldown name:buff_stampede
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:40.03
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • stampede_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:130201
  • name:Stampede
  • tooltip:
  • description:
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Constant Buffs

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_attack_power_multiplier
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.10

Stack Uptimes

  • attack_power_multiplier_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_critical_strike
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • critical_strike_1:100.00%
Greater Draenic Agility Flask

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_greater_draenic_agility_flask
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stat Buff details

  • stat:agility
  • amount:250.00

Stack Uptimes

  • greater_draenic_agility_flask_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:156064
  • name:Greater Draenic Agility Flask
  • tooltip:Agility increased by $w1.
  • description:Increases Agility by {$s1=250} for {$d=3600 seconds}. Counts as both a Battle and Guardian elixir. This effect persists through death.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_haste
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • haste_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_mastery
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:5.00

Stack Uptimes

  • mastery_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_multistrike
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • multistrike_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Gripxx
  • cooldown name:buff_pickled_eel_food
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stat Buff details

  • stat:crit_rating
  • amount:125.00

Stack Uptimes

  • pickled_eel_food_1:100.00%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_spell_power_multiplier
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.10

Stack Uptimes

  • spell_power_multiplier_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_stamina
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.10

Stack Uptimes

  • stamina_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_str_agi_int
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • str_agi_int_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_versatility
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03

Stack Uptimes

  • versatility_1:100.00%


Resource Usage Type Count Total Average RPE APR
aimed_shot Focus 86.0 3231.4 37.6 37.6 3890.6
barrage Focus 16.8 1005.8 60.0 60.0 3621.9
chimaera_shot Focus 44.8 1566.7 35.0 35.0 6029.7
Resource Gains Type Count Total Average Overflow
arcane_torrent Focus 5.48 82.21 (1.18%) 15.00 0.00 0.00%
focus_regen Focus 912.69 2185.19 (31.27%) 2.39 0.21 0.01%
thrill_of_the_hunt_savings Focus 63.18 1263.69 (18.08%) 20.00 0.00 0.00%
steady_shot Focus 142.66 1996.44 (28.57%) 13.99 0.81 0.04%
aimed_shot Focus 73.03 1460.51 (20.90%) 20.00 0.00 0.00%
pet - cat
focus_regen Focus 132.96 0.00 (0.00%) 0.00 544.51 100.00%
pet - cat1
focus_regen Focus 132.96 0.00 (0.00%) 0.00 544.51 100.00%
pet - cat2
focus_regen Focus 132.96 0.00 (0.00%) 0.00 544.51 100.00%
pet - cat3
focus_regen Focus 132.96 0.00 (0.00%) 0.00 544.51 100.00%
pet - cat4
focus_regen Focus 132.96 0.00 (0.00%) 0.00 544.51 100.00%
Resource RPS-Gain RPS-Loss
Focus 12.73 12.90
Combat End Resource Mean Min Max
Focus 39.75 0.08 120.00
Resource Gains Chart
Resource Timeline Chart

Benefits & Uptimes

Benefits %
aimed_in_careful_aim 69.4%
Uptimes %
Focus Cap 0.0%


Count Interval
starved: chimaera_shot 9.3 43.1sec
starved: barrage 56.0 7.5sec
thrill_of_the_hunt 34.9 12.8sec
tier18_2pc_mm_wasted_proc 0.6 164.1sec
tier18_2pc_mm_wasted_overwrite 4.3 121.2sec

Statistics & Data Analysis

Fight Length
Sample Data Gripxx Fight Length
Count 9999
Mean 449.78
Minimum 323.18
Maximum 595.53
Spread ( max - min ) 272.35
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 30.28%
Sample Data Gripxx Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 103359.61
Minimum 90927.90
Maximum 117857.48
Spread ( max - min ) 26929.58
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 13.03%
Standard Deviation 3740.4414
5th Percentile 97523.13
95th Percentile 109826.57
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 12303.44
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 37.4063
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 103286.30 - 103432.93 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 99.93% - 100.07% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 50
0.1% Error 5030
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 119434
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 477737
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 11943438
Distribution Chart
Priority Target DPS
Sample Data Gripxx Priority Target Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 103359.61
Minimum 90927.90
Maximum 117857.48
Spread ( max - min ) 26929.58
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 13.03%
Standard Deviation 3740.4414
5th Percentile 97523.13
95th Percentile 109826.57
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 12303.44
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 37.4063
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 103286.30 - 103432.93 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 99.93% - 100.07% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 50
0.1% Error 5030
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 119434
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 477737
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 11943438
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Gripxx Damage Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 103359.61
Minimum 90927.90
Maximum 117857.48
Spread ( max - min ) 26929.58
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 13.03%
Sample Data Gripxx Damage
Count 9999
Mean 41576257.00
Minimum 33094091.28
Maximum 50834032.91
Spread ( max - min ) 17739941.63
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 21.33%
Sample Data Gripxx Damage Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Gripxx Healing Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Gripxx Healing Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Gripxx Heal
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Gripxx Healing Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Gripxx Theck-Meloree Index
Count 0
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data GripxxTheck-Meloree Index (Effective)
Count 0
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Gripxx Max Spike Value
Count 0
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Timeline DPS Error Chart DPS Error Chart

Action Priority List

actions.precombat Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
# count action,conditions
0 0.00 flask,type=greater_draenic_agility_flask
1 0.00 food,type=pickled_eel
2 0.00 summon_pet
3 0.00 snapshot_stats
Snapshot raid buffed stats before combat begins and pre-potting is done.
4 0.00 exotic_munitions,ammo_type=poisoned,if=spell_targets.multi_shot<3
5 0.00 exotic_munitions,ammo_type=incendiary,if=spell_targets.multi_shot>=3
6 0.00 potion,name=draenic_agility
7 0.00 glaive_toss
8 0.00 focusing_shot
Default action list Executed every time the actor is available.
# count action,conditions
9 1.00 auto_shot
A 4.37 use_item,name=maalus_the_blood_drinker
B 7.99 use_item,name=mirror_of_the_blademaster
C 5.48 arcane_torrent,if=focus.deficit>=30
0.00 blood_fury
0.00 berserking
D 1.00 potion,name=draenic_agility,if=((buff.rapid_fire.up|buff.bloodlust.up)&(cooldown.stampede.remains<1))|target.time_to_die<=25
E 44.76 chimaera_shot
F 24.71 kill_shot
G 4.35 rapid_fire
H 2.00 stampede,if=buff.rapid_fire.up|buff.bloodlust.up|target.time_to_die<=25
I 0.00 call_action_list,name=careful_aim,if=buff.careful_aim.up
0.00 explosive_trap,if=spell_targets.explosive_trap_tick>1
0.00 a_murder_of_crows
0.00 dire_beast,if=cast_regen+action.aimed_shot.cast_regen<focus.deficit
0.00 glaive_toss
0.00 powershot,if=cast_regen<focus.deficit
J 16.76 barrage
K 7.38 steady_shot,if=focus.deficit*cast_time%(14+cast_regen)>cooldown.rapid_fire.remains
Pool max focus for rapid fire so we can spam AimedShot with Careful Aim buff
0.00 focusing_shot,if=focus.deficit*cast_time%(50+cast_regen)>cooldown.rapid_fire.remains&focus<100
0.00 steady_shot,if=buff.pre_steady_focus.up&(14+cast_regen+action.aimed_shot.cast_regen)<=focus.deficit
Cast a second shot for steady focus if that won't cap us.
0.00 multishot,if=spell_targets.multi_shot>6
0.00 aimed_shot,if=talent.focusing_shot.enabled
L 9.72 aimed_shot,if=focus+cast_regen>=85
M 16.40 aimed_shot,if=buff.thrill_of_the_hunt.react&focus+cast_regen>=65
0.00 focusing_shot,if=50+cast_regen-10<focus.deficit
Allow FS to over-cap by 10 if we have nothing else to do
N 99.82 steady_shot
# count action,conditions
0.00 glaive_toss,if=active_enemies>2
0.00 powershot,if=spell_targets.powershot>1&cast_regen<focus.deficit
0.00 barrage,if=spell_targets.barrage>1
O 59.86 aimed_shot
0.00 focusing_shot,if=50+cast_regen<focus.deficit
P 35.63 steady_shot

Sample Sequence


Sample Sequence Table

time name target resources buffs
Pre flask Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training
Pre food Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training
Pre potion Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training, draenic_agility_potion
0:00.000 start_auto_shot Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training, draenic_agility_potion
0:00.000 use_item_maalus_the_blood_drinker Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training, draenic_agility_potion
0:00.000 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training, maalus, draenic_agility_potion
0:00.000 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training, maalus, draenic_agility_potion
0:01.007 rapid_fire Fluffy_Pillow 90.6/120: 75% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:01.007 stampede Fluffy_Pillow 90.6/120: 75% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:02.012 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 98.6/120: 82% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:03.017 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 76.6/120: 64% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:03.017 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 91.6/120: 76% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:04.023 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.5/120: 58% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:05.027 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.5/120: 40% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:06.038 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.5/120: 58% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:07.044 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.5/120: 40% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:08.055 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.6/120: 58% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:09.059 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.5/120: 40% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:10.062 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 20.5/120: 17% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:11.075 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 42.5/120: 35% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:12.086 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 64.6/120: 54% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:13.089 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 42.5/120: 35% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, draenic_agility_potion
0:14.103 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 64.6/120: 54% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, draenic_agility_potion
0:15.106 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 42.6/120: 35% focus bloodlust, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
0:16.119 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 64.4/120: 54% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
0:17.123 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 40.0/120: 33% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
0:18.537 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.1/120: 52% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:19.542 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 32.8/120: 27% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:20.957 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 54.8/120: 46% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:21.962 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.5/120: 25% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
0:23.376 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 52.5/120: 44% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:24.382 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.2/120: 24% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:25.798 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.3/120: 42% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:26.802 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 25.9/120: 22% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:28.217 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 48.0/120: 40% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:29.222 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 18.7/120: 16% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:30.636 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 40.7/120: 34% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:32.050 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.7/120: 52% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:33.056 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 38.4/120: 32% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:34.472 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.5/120: 50% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:35.477 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 36.2/120: 30% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:36.894 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.2/120: 48% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:37.899 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 33.9/120: 28% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede
0:39.313 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 55.9/120: 47% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:40.318 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 26.6/120: 22% focus bloodlust, sniper_training, stampede, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:41.733 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 46.8/120: 39% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:43.570 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 68.8/120: 57% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:44.575 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 43.2/120: 36% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:46.412 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 65.2/120: 54% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:47.417 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 39.6/120: 33% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:49.255 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.6/120: 51% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:50.259 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 31.0/120: 26% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
0:52.098 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 53.0/120: 44% focus sniper_training
0:53.099 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 27.4/120: 23% focus sniper_training
0:54.937 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.4/120: 41% focus sniper_training
0:56.775 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 71.4/120: 60% focus sniper_training
0:59.902 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 25.1/120: 21% focus sniper_training
1:01.741 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 47.1/120: 39% focus sniper_training
1:01.741 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.1/120: 39% focus sniper_training
1:02.746 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 16.5/120: 14% focus sniper_training
1:04.584 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 38.5/120: 32% focus sniper_training
1:06.422 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.5/120: 50% focus sniper_training
1:08.260 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 82.5/120: 69% focus sniper_training
1:10.096 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 104.5/120: 87% focus sniper_training
1:11.101 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.9/120: 49% focus sniper_training
1:12.105 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.3/120: 24% focus sniper_training
1:13.943 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.3/120: 42% focus sniper_training
1:15.781 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.4/120: 60% focus sniper_training
1:17.617 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 94.4/120: 79% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
1:20.606 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.4/120: 40% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
1:21.609 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 16.8/120: 14% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
1:22.924 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 38.8/120: 32% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
1:23.927 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 34.9/120: 29% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
1:24.933 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 31.1/120: 26% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
1:25.937 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 26.6/120: 22% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
1:27.774 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 48.7/120: 41% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
1:29.611 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 70.7/120: 59% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
1:30.615 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 40.1/120: 33% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
1:32.452 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.1/120: 52% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
1:34.290 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 84.1/120: 70% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
1:34.290 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 99.1/120: 83% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
1:35.294 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 93.5/120: 78% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
1:36.297 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 87.9/120: 73% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
1:37.302 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.2/120: 52% focus sniper_training
1:39.140 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 84.3/120: 70% focus sniper_training
1:40.144 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 53.6/120: 45% focus sniper_training
1:41.981 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 75.7/120: 63% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:44.836 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.1/120: 23% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:46.674 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.1/120: 42% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:48.511 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.1/120: 60% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:49.515 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 41.5/120: 35% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:51.353 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 63.5/120: 53% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:53.191 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 85.6/120: 71% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:54.197 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 40.0/120: 33% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:56.034 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.0/120: 52% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:57.872 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 84.0/120: 70% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
1:58.877 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 53.4/120: 44% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
2:00.714 use_item_maalus_the_blood_drinker Fluffy_Pillow 75.4/120: 63% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
2:00.714 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 75.4/120: 63% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, maalus
2:02.552 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 97.4/120: 81% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, maalus
2:02.552 rapid_fire Fluffy_Pillow 97.4/120: 81% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, maalus
2:02.552 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 97.4/120: 81% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
2:03.556 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 93.5/120: 78% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
2:04.559 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 89.7/120: 75% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
2:05.565 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 65.8/120: 55% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:06.570 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.0/120: 52% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:07.575 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.1/120: 48% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:08.579 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 29.2/120: 24% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:09.891 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 51.2/120: 43% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:10.896 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.4/120: 39% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:11.899 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 43.5/120: 36% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:13.212 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 65.5/120: 55% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:14.215 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 41.7/120: 35% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:15.528 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 63.7/120: 53% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:16.533 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 39.8/120: 33% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:17.847 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.3/120: 51% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:18.851 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.7/120: 26% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:20.689 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 52.7/120: 44% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:22.526 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 74.7/120: 62% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
2:25.405 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 27.3/120: 23% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
2:27.243 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.3/120: 41% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
2:28.248 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 18.7/120: 16% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
2:30.086 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 40.7/120: 34% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
2:31.924 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.8/120: 52% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
2:33.762 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 84.8/120: 71% focus sniper_training
2:35.599 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 106.8/120: 89% focus sniper_training
2:36.605 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 81.2/120: 68% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
2:37.610 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.6/120: 42% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
2:39.449 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.6/120: 60% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
2:40.454 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 67.0/120: 56% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
2:41.459 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.4/120: 51% focus sniper_training
2:43.298 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 83.4/120: 69% focus sniper_training
2:46.224 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 36.1/120: 30% focus sniper_training
2:47.229 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 5.5/120: 5% focus sniper_training
2:49.066 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 27.5/120: 23% focus sniper_training
2:50.903 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.6/120: 41% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:52.738 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 71.6/120: 60% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:54.577 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 93.6/120: 78% focus sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:55.581 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 48.0/120: 40% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:56.584 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 17.4/120: 14% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
2:58.421 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 39.4/120: 33% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:00.258 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.4/120: 51% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:02.095 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 83.4/120: 69% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:03.100 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 57.8/120: 48% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:03.100 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 57.8/120: 48% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:04.937 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 79.8/120: 66% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:04.937 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 94.8/120: 79% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:05.944 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 64.2/120: 53% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:08.968 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 17.4/120: 14% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:10.806 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 39.4/120: 33% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:12.643 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.4/120: 51% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:14.481 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 83.4/120: 70% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:15.485 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 52.8/120: 44% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
3:17.323 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 74.8/120: 62% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:18.327 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.2/120: 58% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:19.330 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 43.6/120: 36% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
3:21.168 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 65.6/120: 55% focus sniper_training
3:23.005 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 87.6/120: 73% focus sniper_training
3:24.009 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 42.0/120: 35% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:25.014 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 11.4/120: 10% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:26.852 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 33.4/120: 28% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:28.688 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 55.4/120: 46% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:30.525 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 77.4/120: 65% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:33.590 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.8/120: 26% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:35.427 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 52.8/120: 44% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:36.431 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 22.2/120: 19% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:38.267 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 44.2/120: 37% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:40.105 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 66.2/120: 55% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
3:41.109 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.6/120: 51% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:42.946 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 82.6/120: 69% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
3:43.951 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 57.0/120: 48% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
3:45.787 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 79.0/120: 66% focus sniper_training
3:46.791 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 48.4/120: 40% focus sniper_training
3:48.629 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 70.4/120: 59% focus sniper_training
3:50.467 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 92.5/120: 77% focus sniper_training
3:51.471 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 46.8/120: 39% focus sniper_training
3:53.309 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 68.9/120: 57% focus sniper_training
3:56.399 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 22.3/120: 19% focus sniper_training
3:58.236 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 44.4/120: 37% focus sniper_training
3:59.238 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 13.7/120: 11% focus sniper_training
4:01.074 use_item_maalus_the_blood_drinker Fluffy_Pillow 35.7/120: 30% focus sniper_training
4:01.074 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 35.7/120: 30% focus sniper_training, maalus
4:02.911 rapid_fire Fluffy_Pillow 57.8/120: 48% focus sniper_training, maalus
4:02.911 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 57.8/120: 48% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:03.913 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 33.9/120: 28% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:03.913 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 33.9/120: 28% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:04.917 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.0/120: 25% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:05.922 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 26.2/120: 22% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:07.236 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 48.2/120: 40% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:08.242 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 19.3/120: 16% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:09.556 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 41.4/120: 34% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:10.867 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 63.4/120: 53% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:11.870 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 39.5/120: 33% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:13.184 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.5/120: 51% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:14.188 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 37.6/120: 31% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:15.195 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 33.8/120: 28% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
4:16.199 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 29.9/120: 25% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training
4:17.512 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 52.0/120: 43% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training
4:18.516 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 22.0/120: 18% focus careful_aim, sniper_training
4:20.353 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 44.0/120: 37% focus sniper_training
4:22.191 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 66.1/120: 55% focus sniper_training
4:25.193 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 19.2/120: 16% focus sniper_training
4:27.030 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 41.2/120: 34% focus sniper_training
4:28.035 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 10.6/120: 9% focus sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:29.348 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 32.6/120: 27% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:30.660 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 54.6/120: 46% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:31.665 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.7/120: 26% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:32.978 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 51.1/120: 43% focus sniper_training
4:34.816 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 73.1/120: 61% focus sniper_training
4:36.655 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 95.2/120: 79% focus sniper_training
4:37.658 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 64.5/120: 54% focus sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:37.658 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 79.5/120: 66% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:38.663 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 55.7/120: 46% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:39.668 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 31.8/120: 27% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:40.673 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.0/120: 23% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
4:41.988 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.4/120: 41% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
4:43.823 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 71.4/120: 60% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
4:46.915 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 24.9/120: 21% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
4:48.754 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 46.9/120: 39% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
4:49.759 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 16.3/120: 14% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
4:51.595 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 38.3/120: 32% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
4:53.432 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.3/120: 50% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
4:55.270 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 82.4/120: 69% focus sniper_training
4:57.107 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 104.4/120: 87% focus sniper_training
4:58.112 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.8/120: 49% focus sniper_training
4:59.116 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.1/120: 23% focus sniper_training
5:00.954 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.2/120: 42% focus sniper_training
5:02.791 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.2/120: 60% focus sniper_training
5:04.630 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 94.2/120: 79% focus sniper_training
5:04.630 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 94.2/120: 79% focus sniper_training
5:07.642 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.3/120: 39% focus sniper_training
5:08.647 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 16.7/120: 14% focus sniper_training
5:10.484 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 38.7/120: 32% focus sniper_training
5:12.321 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.8/120: 51% focus sniper_training
5:14.159 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 82.8/120: 69% focus sniper_training
5:15.997 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 104.8/120: 87% focus sniper_training
5:17.002 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 59.2/120: 49% focus sniper_training
5:18.008 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.6/120: 24% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:19.846 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.6/120: 42% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:21.685 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.6/120: 61% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:22.688 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.0/120: 39% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
5:24.524 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.0/120: 58% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
5:25.527 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 43.4/120: 36% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:27.363 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 65.4/120: 54% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:28.368 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 34.8/120: 29% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:30.207 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 56.8/120: 47% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:32.045 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 78.8/120: 66% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:35.134 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 32.3/120: 27% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:36.972 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 54.3/120: 45% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:37.977 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 23.7/120: 20% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:39.814 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 45.7/120: 38% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:41.653 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 67.7/120: 56% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
5:42.657 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.1/120: 52% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
5:44.495 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 84.1/120: 70% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
5:45.498 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.5/120: 49% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:47.335 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 80.5/120: 67% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:48.339 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.9/120: 42% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:49.342 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 54.3/120: 45% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:50.347 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.7/120: 49% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:52.185 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 80.7/120: 67% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:55.250 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 34.1/120: 28% focus thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
5:57.086 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 56.1/120: 47% focus sniper_training
5:58.092 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 25.5/120: 21% focus sniper_training
5:59.931 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.5/120: 40% focus sniper_training
6:00.935 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 51.9/120: 43% focus sniper_training
6:01.940 use_item_maalus_the_blood_drinker Fluffy_Pillow 56.3/120: 47% focus sniper_training
6:01.940 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 56.3/120: 47% focus sniper_training, maalus
6:03.777 rapid_fire Fluffy_Pillow 78.3/120: 65% focus sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
6:03.777 potion Fluffy_Pillow 78.3/120: 65% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
6:03.777 stampede Fluffy_Pillow 78.3/120: 65% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:04.782 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 84.4/120: 70% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:04.782 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 84.4/120: 70% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:05.787 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.6/120: 50% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:06.791 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 36.7/120: 31% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:07.794 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 7.8/120: 7% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(3), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:07.794 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 22.8/120: 19% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(3), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:09.109 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 44.9/120: 37% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(3), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:10.112 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 41.0/120: 34% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:11.117 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 37.1/120: 31% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:12.122 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 43.3/120: 36% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:13.127 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.4/120: 41% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:14.132 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 45.5/120: 38% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:15.135 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 41.7/120: 35% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, oglethorpes_missile_splitter, draenic_agility_potion
6:16.141 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 37.8/120: 32% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, stampede, maalus, draenic_agility_potion
6:17.145 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 8.9/120: 7% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:18.982 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.9/120: 26% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:20.820 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 53.0/120: 44% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:22.658 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 75.0/120: 62% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:23.663 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 79.4/120: 66% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:24.666 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 83.7/120: 70% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:27.619 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 36.6/120: 31% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:28.622 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 6.0/120: 5% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede, draenic_agility_potion
6:30.460 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.0/120: 23% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede
6:32.298 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.1/120: 42% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede
6:34.136 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.1/120: 60% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede
6:35.140 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 76.5/120: 64% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede
6:36.144 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 80.8/120: 67% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, stampede
6:37.147 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 75.2/120: 63% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede
6:38.150 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 44.6/120: 37% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, stampede
6:39.990 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 66.6/120: 56% focus sniper_training, stampede
6:41.827 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 88.6/120: 74% focus sniper_training, stampede
6:42.831 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 43.0/120: 36% focus sniper_training, stampede
6:44.668 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 65.0/120: 54% focus sniper_training
6:47.791 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 18.7/120: 16% focus sniper_training
6:48.795 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 23.0/120: 19% focus sniper_training
6:49.800 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 27.4/120: 23% focus sniper_training
6:51.636 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.4/120: 41% focus sniper_training
6:52.642 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 18.8/120: 16% focus sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
6:53.955 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 40.8/120: 34% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
6:55.269 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 62.9/120: 52% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
6:56.273 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 39.0/120: 33% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
6:57.278 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 34.0/120: 28% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, sniper_training
6:58.283 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.4/120: 24% focus sniper_training
7:00.120 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 50.4/120: 42% focus sniper_training
7:01.123 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 54.8/120: 46% focus sniper_training
7:02.128 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 24.2/120: 20% focus sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
7:03.132 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 30.3/120: 25% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
7:04.445 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 52.4/120: 44% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
7:05.450 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 28.5/120: 24% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
7:05.450 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 28.5/120: 24% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18
7:06.763 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 49.4/120: 41% focus sniper_training
7:08.601 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 71.4/120: 60% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:11.706 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 25.0/120: 21% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:13.544 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.0/120: 39% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:14.548 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 16.4/120: 14% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:15.553 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 20.7/120: 17% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:16.557 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 25.1/120: 21% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:18.395 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.2/120: 39% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:20.232 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.2/120: 58% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:21.239 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 63.6/120: 53% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:23.076 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 85.6/120: 71% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:24.078 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 54.9/120: 46% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training, oglethorpes_missile_splitter
7:25.916 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 77.0/120: 64% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:26.920 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 81.3/120: 68% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:27.924 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 85.7/120: 71% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:28.930 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 60.1/120: 50% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:32.002 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 13.5/120: 11% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:33.840 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 35.5/120: 30% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:34.844 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 4.9/120: 4% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:36.682 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 26.9/120: 22% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:38.520 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 49.0/120: 41% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:38.520 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 64.0/120: 53% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:39.523 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 68.3/120: 57% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:40.526 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 72.7/120: 61% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(3), sniper_training
7:41.530 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 47.1/120: 39% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
7:43.367 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 69.1/120: 58% focus thrill_of_the_hunt(2), sniper_training
7:44.371 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 38.5/120: 32% focus sniper_training
7:46.210 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 60.5/120: 50% focus sniper_training
7:48.050 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 82.5/120: 69% focus sniper_training
7:49.886 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 104.6/120: 87% focus sniper_training
7:50.891 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 108.9/120: 91% focus sniper_training
7:51.897 barrage Fluffy_Pillow 113.3/120: 94% focus sniper_training
7:54.957 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 66.7/120: 56% focus sniper_training
7:55.961 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 36.1/120: 30% focus sniper_training
7:57.799 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 58.1/120: 48% focus sniper_training
7:59.635 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 80.1/120: 67% focus sniper_training
8:01.472 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 102.1/120: 85% focus sniper_training
8:02.477 use_item_maalus_the_blood_drinker Fluffy_Pillow 106.5/120: 89% focus sniper_training
8:02.477 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 106.5/120: 89% focus sniper_training, maalus
8:03.480 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 110.9/120: 92% focus sniper_training, maalus
8:05.316 chimaera_shot Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% focus sniper_training, maalus
8:06.320 use_item_mirror_of_the_blademaster Fluffy_Pillow 89.4/120: 74% focus sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18, maalus
8:06.320 rapid_fire Fluffy_Pillow 89.4/120: 74% focus careful_aim, sniper_training, rapid_fire_t18, maalus
8:06.320 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 89.4/120: 74% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
8:07.326 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 65.5/120: 55% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
8:08.330 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 61.7/120: 51% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
8:09.333 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 57.8/120: 48% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
8:10.338 steady_shot Fluffy_Pillow 33.9/120: 28% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
8:11.652 aimed_shot Fluffy_Pillow 56.0/120: 47% focus careful_aim, rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus
8:12.655 kill_shot Fluffy_Pillow 32.1/120: 27% focus careful_aim, thrill_of_the_hunt(2), rapid_fire, sniper_training, maalus


Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount
Strength 927 883 883
Agility 7564 6942 6676 (1223)
Stamina 8253 7503 7503
Intellect 899 857 857
Spirit 709 709 709
Health 495180 450180 0
Focus 120 120 0
Crit 53.58% 47.38% 3452
Haste 9.08% 3.89% 350
Multistrike 31.26% 26.26% 1733
Damage / Heal Versatility 7.32% 4.32% 561
Attack Power 8320 6942 0
Mastery 15.45% 12.33% 1289
Armor 1715 1715 1715
Run Speed 0 0 182
Leech 3.63% 3.63% 254


Source Slot Average Item Level: 735.00
Local Head Hood of the Savage Hunt
ilevel: 735, stats: { 235 Armor, +444 Agi, +667 Sta, +346 Mult, +245 Mastery }, gems: { +75 Mult }
Local Neck Choker of the Great Betrayer
ilevel: 730, stats: { +238 Agi, +357 Sta, +193 Mult, +125 Crit, +136 Avoidance }, enchant: { +75 Crit }
Local Shoulders Pauldrons of the Savage Hunt
ilevel: 720, stats: { 203 Armor, +290 Agi, +435 Sta, +226 Haste, +160 Mult }
Local Shirt Stylish Black Shirt
ilevel: 1
Local Chest Hauberk of the Savage Hunt
ilevel: 720, stats: { 270 Armor, +387 Agi, +580 Sta, +312 Mastery, +202 Crit }
Local Waist Torch-Brazed Waistguard
ilevel: 730, stats: { 159 Armor, +318 AgiInt, +477 Sta, +248 Mult, +175 Crit, +182 RunSpeed }, gems: { +75 Mult }
Local Legs Leggings of the Savage Hunt
ilevel: 735, stats: { 253 Armor, +444 Agi, +667 Sta, +372 Crit, +220 Mult, +254 Leech }, gems: { +75 Crit }
Local Feet Die-Cast Ringmail Sabatons
ilevel: 736, stats: { 199 Armor, +337 AgiInt, +505 Sta, +291 Vers, +157 Crit }
Local Wrists Chain Wristguards of the Stricken
ilevel: 735, stats: { 126 Armor, +250 AgiInt, +375 Sta, +202 Crit, +131 Mastery }, gems: { +75 Mult }
Local Hands Eredar Fel-Chain Gloves
ilevel: 730, stats: { 176 Armor, +318 AgiInt, +477 Sta, +284 Crit, +139 Mult }
Local Finger1 Maalus, the Blood Drinker
ilevel: 795, stats: { +437 Agi, +656 Sta, +304 Crit, +270 Vers }, enchant: { +50 Mult }
Local Finger2 Serrated Demontooth Ring
ilevel: 735, stats: { +250 Agi, +375 Sta, +209 Crit, +124 Haste }, enchant: { +50 Mult }
Local Trinket1 Mirror of the Blademaster
ilevel: 730, stats: { +525 Agi }
Local Trinket2 Fel-Spring Coil
ilevel: 730, stats: { +394 Agi, +394 Mastery, +394 Crit }
Local Back Cloak of Desperate Temerity
ilevel: 735, stats: { 94 Armor, +250 Agi, +375 Sta, +230 Crit, +102 Mult }, enchant: { +100 Crit }
Local Main Hand Felcrystal Impaler
ilevel: 735, weapon: { 1916 - 2875, 3 }, stats: { +444 Agi, +667 Sta, +384 Crit, +207 Mastery, +254 Avoidance }, enchant: oglethorpes_missile_splitter
Local Tabard Tabard of Flame
ilevel: 1


15 Posthaste Narrow Escape Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera
30 Binding Shot Wyvern Sting Intimidation
45 Exhilaration Iron Hawk Spirit Bond
60 Steady Focus Dire Beast Thrill of the Hunt
75 A Murder of Crows Blink Strikes Stampede
90 Glaive Toss Powershot Barrage
100 Exotic Munitions Focusing Shot (Marksmanship Hunter) Lone Wolf



# This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
# It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
# while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
# Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
# SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.

# Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.

# Snapshot raid buffed stats before combat begins and pre-potting is done.

# Executed every time the actor is available.

# Pool max focus for rapid fire so we can spam AimedShot with Careful Aim buff
# Cast a second shot for steady focus if that won't cap us.
# Allow FS to over-cap by 10 if we have nothing else to do



# Gear Summary
# gear_ilvl=735.40
# gear_agility=5326
# gear_stamina=6613
# gear_crit_rating=3288
# gear_haste_rating=350
# gear_mastery_rating=1289
# gear_multistrike_rating=1733
# gear_versatility_rating=561
# gear_leech_rating=254
# gear_speed_rating=182
# gear_avoidance_rating=390
# gear_armor=1715
# set_bonus=tier18_2pc=1
# set_bonus=tier18_4pc=1

Simulation & Raid Information

Iterations: 10006
Threads: 7
Confidence: 95.00%
Fight Length: 323 - 596 ( 449.8 )


Total Events Processed: 65344533
Max Event Queue: 101
Sim Seconds: 4500499
CPU Seconds: 38.9379
Physical Seconds: 7.8566
Speed Up: 115582


World Lag: 100 ms ( stddev = 10 ms )
Queue Lag: 5 ms ( stddev = 1 ms )
DPET Chart

Raw Ability Summary

Character Unit Ability Id Total DPS Imp/Min Hit Crit Count Impacts Crit% Avoid% G% B% Interval Combined Duration
Gripxx Gripxx aimed_shot 19434 12572151 27952 11.46 47455 133328 86.0 85.9 85.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.20sec 19321410 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx arcane_torrent 80483 0 0 0.73 0 0 5.5 5.5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 90.93sec 0 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx auto_shot 0 3641234 8096 21.79 11086 25594 163.3 163.3 50.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.76sec 5596001 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx barrage ticks -120360 3642783 8095 35.75 6247 14425 16.8 268.1 50.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24.37sec 5126537 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx burning_mirror 184270 0 0 1.07 0 0 8.0 8.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 60.80sec 0 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx chimaera_shot 53209 0 0 5.97 0 0 44.8 44.8 50.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.21sec 0 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx chimaera_shot_frost 171454 4693458 10435 2.98 104667 241462 0.0 22.3 50.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 4693458 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx chimaera_shot_nature 171457 4753324 10568 2.99 105427 243377 0.0 22.4 50.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 4753324 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx draenic_agility_potion 156423 0 0 0.00 0 0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 0 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx kill_shot 53351 4003091 8900 3.29 80641 186367 24.7 24.7 50.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.80sec 6152119 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx maalus 187626 5561443 12365 0.55 1339144 0 4.2 4.2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 120.87sec 5561443 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx rapid_fire 3045 0 0 0.58 0 0 4.3 4.3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 121.25sec 0 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx stampede 121818 0 0 0.27 0 0 2.0 2.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 362.88sec 0 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx_cat melee 0 474839 6458 50.34 3929 7857 61.7 61.7 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.53sec 729752 73.53sec
Gripxx Gripxx_cat1 melee 0 475125 6462 50.34 3928 7857 61.7 61.7 60.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.53sec 730192 73.53sec
Gripxx Gripxx_cat2 melee 0 474858 6458 50.34 3929 7856 61.7 61.7 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.53sec 729781 73.53sec
Gripxx Gripxx_cat3 melee 0 474695 6456 50.34 3928 7857 61.7 61.7 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.53sec 729531 73.53sec
Gripxx Gripxx_cat4 melee 0 474488 6453 50.34 3930 7855 61.7 61.7 60.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.53sec 729213 73.53sec
Gripxx Gripxx steady_shot 56641 2708774 6022 19.00 8128 20220 142.7 142.4 62.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.09sec 4162958 449.78sec
Gripxx Gripxx_mirror_image_(trinket) felstorm ticks -184279 2424455 5388 52.97 3084 6170 31.9 397.3 49.8% 1.5% 0.0% 3.6% 60.80sec 3431757 154.94sec

Fluffy_Pillow : 0 dps

Results, Spec and Gear

RPS Out RPS In Primary Resource Waiting APM Active Skill
0.0 0.0 Mana 0.00% 0.0 100.0% 100%


DPS Taken Timeline Chart
DPS Timeline Chart


Damage Stats DPS DPS% Execute Interval DPE DPET Type Count Hit Crit Avg Crit% Up%
Fluffy_Pillow 0
Healing and Absorb Stats HPS HPS% Execute Interval HPE HPET Type Count Hit Crit Avg Crit%
Fluffy_Pillow 0
Simple Action Stats Execute Interval


Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh Interval Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow
Health Decade (0 - 10) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 8.51% 8.51% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (0 - 10)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (0 - 10)_1:8.51%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (10 - 20) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 9.47% 9.47% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (10 - 20)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (10 - 20)_1:9.47%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (20 - 30) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 9.47% 9.47% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (20 - 30)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (20 - 30)_1:9.47%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (30 - 40) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 10.45% 10.45% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (30 - 40)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (30 - 40)_1:10.45%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (40 - 50) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 12.64% 12.64% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (40 - 50)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (40 - 50)_1:12.64%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (50 - 60) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 13.94% 13.94% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (50 - 60)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (50 - 60)_1:13.94%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (60 - 70) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 10.53% 10.53% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (60 - 70)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (60 - 70)_1:10.53%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (70 - 80) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 15.50% 15.50% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (70 - 80)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (70 - 80)_1:15.50%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (80 - 90) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 6.06% 6.06% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (80 - 90)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (80 - 90)_1:6.06%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Health Decade (90 - 100) 1.0 0.0 0.0sec 0.0sec 3.44% 3.44% 0.0(0.0)

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_Health Decade (90 - 100)
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • Health Decade (90 - 100)_1:3.44%

Trigger Attempt Success

  • trigger_pct:100.00%
Constant Buffs

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_attack_power_multiplier
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.10

Stack Uptimes

  • attack_power_multiplier_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_bleeding
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • bleeding_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_critical_strike
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • critical_strike_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_haste
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • haste_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_mastery
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:5.00

Stack Uptimes

  • mastery_1:100.00%
Mortal Wounds

Buff details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_mortal_wounds
  • max_stacks:1
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.25

Stack Uptimes

  • mortal_wounds_1:100.00%

Spelldata details

  • id:115804
  • name:Mortal Wounds
  • tooltip:Healing effects received reduced by $w1%.
  • description:Grievously wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received for {$115804d=10 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_multistrike
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • multistrike_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_spell_power_multiplier
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.10

Stack Uptimes

  • spell_power_multiplier_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_stamina
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.10

Stack Uptimes

  • stamina_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_str_agi_int
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05

Stack Uptimes

  • str_agi_int_1:100.00%

Buff details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_versatility
  • max_stacks:100
  • duration:0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03

Stack Uptimes

  • versatility_1:100.00%


Resource Usage Type Count Total Average RPE APR
Resource RPS-Gain RPS-Loss
Health 0.00 102785.45
Combat End Resource Mean Min Max
Health 0.00 0.00 0.00
Resource Timeline Chart

Benefits & Uptimes

Benefits %
Uptimes %


Count Interval


death count 16337
death count pct 163.27
avg death time 446.59
min death time 323.19
max death time 595.53
dmg taken 46374716.19

Statistics & Data Analysis

Fight Length
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Fight Length
Count 9999
Mean 449.78
Minimum 323.18
Maximum 595.53
Spread ( max - min ) 272.35
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 30.28%
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Priority Target DPS
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Priority Target Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Damage Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Damage
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Damage Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 103359.61
Minimum 90927.90
Maximum 117857.48
Spread ( max - min ) 26929.58
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 13.03%
Standard Deviation 3740.4414
5th Percentile 97523.13
95th Percentile 109826.57
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 12303.44
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 37.4063
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 103286.30 - 103432.93 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 99.93% - 100.07% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 50
0.1% Error 5030
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 119434
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 477737
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 11943438
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Healing Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Healing Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Heal
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Healing Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Theck-Meloree Index
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Fluffy_PillowTheck-Meloree Index (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Sample Data Fluffy_Pillow Max Spike Value
Count 1332
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Intervall ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Distribution Chart
Timeline DPS Error Chart DPS Error Chart

Action Priority List

actions.precombat Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
# count action,conditions
0 0.00 snapshot_stats


Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount
Strength 0 0 0
Agility 0 0 0
Stamina 0 0 0
Intellect 0 0 0
Spirit 0 0 0
Health 0 37014120 0
Melee Crit 5.00% 5.00% 0
Spell Crit 0.00% 0.00% 0
Haste 0.00% 0.00% 0
Multistrike 0.00% 0.00% 0
Damage / Heal Versatility 0.00% 0.00% 0
Mitigation Versatility 0.00% 0.00% 0
Mastery 0.00% 0.00% 0
Armor 1938 1938 1938
Tank-Miss 3.00% 3.00% 0
Tank-Dodge 3.00% 3.00% 0
Tank-Parry 3.00% 3.00% 0
Tank-Block 3.00% 3.00% 0
Tank-Crit 0.00% 0.00% 0


Source Slot Average Item Level: 0.00


15 none none none
30 none none none
45 none none none
60 none none none
75 none none none
90 none none none
100 none none none



# This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
# It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
# while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
# Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
# SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.

# Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.


# Gear Summary
# gear_ilvl=0.00


Average number of actions executed per minute.


Average absorption per active player duration.

Constant Buffs

Buffs received prior to combat and present the entire fight.


Average number of times an action is executed per iteration.


Average crit damage.


Percentage of executes that resulted in critical strikes.


Average damage per execution of an individual action.


Average damage per execute time of an individual action; the amount of damage generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD.


Average damage per resource point spent.


Average damage per active player duration.


Average damage per fight duration.


Average damage taken per second per active player duration.


Average healing (and absorption) per active player duration.


Average healing (and absorption) per fight duration.


Average healing (or absorb) per execution of an individual action.


Average healing (or absorb) per execute time of an individual action; the amount of healing generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD.


Average healing (or absorb) per resource point spent.


Average number of impacts against a target (for attacks that hit multiple times per execute) per iteration.


Percentage of executes that resulted in dodges.


Percentage of total DPS contributed by a particular action.


Percentage of total HPS (including absorb) contributed by a particular action.

Theck-Meloree Index

Measure of damage smoothness, calculated over entire fight length. Related to max spike damage, 1k TMI is roughly equivalent to 1% of your health. TMI ignores external healing and absorbs. Lower is better.

TMI bin size

Time bin size used to calculate TMI and MSD, in seconds.


Direct or Periodic damage.

Max Spike Damage Frequency

This is roughly how many spikes as large as MSD Mean you take per iteration. Calculated from TMI and MSD values.

Dynamic Buffs

Temporary buffs received during combat, perhaps multiple times.


Percentage of executes that resulted in glancing blows.


Percentage of executes that resulted in blocking blows.


Associated spell-id for this ability.


Name of the ability.


Total damage for this ability during the fight.


Average non-crit damage.


Average time between executions of a particular action.


Average direct damage per execution.


Percentage of executes that resulted in misses, dodges or parries.


The player profile from which the simulation script was generated. The profile must be copied into the same directory as this HTML file in order for the link to work.


Percentage of executes that resulted in parries.


Average primary resource points generated per second.


Average primary resource points consumed per second.

Scale Factors

Gain per unit stat increase except for Hit/Expertise which represent Loss per unit stat decrease.

Gear Amount

Amount from raw gear, before class, attunement, or buff modifiers. Amount from hybrid primary stats (i.e. Agility/Intellect) shown in parentheses.

Stats Raid Buffed

Amount after all static buffs have been accounted for. Dynamic buffs (i.e. trinkets, potions) not included.

Stats Unbuffed

Amount after class modifiers and effects, but before buff modifiers.


Average number of periodic ticks per iteration. Spells that do not have a damage-over-time component will have zero ticks.

Ticks Crit

Average crit tick damage.

Ticks Crit%

Percentage of ticks that resulted in critical strikes.

Ticks Hit

Average non-crit tick damage.

Ticks Miss%

Percentage of ticks that resulted in misses, dodges or parries.

Ticks Uptime%

Percentage of total time that DoT is ticking on target.

Ticks Avg

Average damage per tick.

Timeline Distribution

The simulated encounter's duration can vary based on the health of the target and variation in the raid DPS. This chart shows how often the duration of the encounter varied by how much time.


This is the percentage of time in which no action can be taken other than autoattacks. This can be caused by resource starvation, lockouts, and timers.

Scale Factor Ranking

This row ranks the scale factors from highest to lowest, checking whether one scale factor is higher/lower than another with statistical significance.

TMI Range

This is the range of TMI values containing 95.00% of the data, roughly centered on the mean.

TMI/MSD Window

Window length used to calculate TMI and MSD, in seconds.

Max Spike Damage

Maximum amount of net damage taken in any N-second period (default 6sec), expressed as a percentage of max health. Calculated independently for each iteration. 'MSD Min/Mean/Max' are the lowest/average/highest MSDs out of all iterations.


Estimator for the 95.00% confidence interval.


This is the range of values containing 95.00% of the data, roughly centered on the mean.

Fight Length

Fight Length: 450.00
Vary Combat Length: 0.20

Fight Length is the specified average fight duration. If vary_combat_length is set, the fight length will vary by +/- that portion of the value. See Combat Length in the wiki for further details.