counter install guide. counters installing guide for user protech.
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You can download the OBS plugin (32-bit ONLY) here. Source.
To install the plugin, extract the files to plugins folder (default: C:\Program files (x86)\OBS\Plugins\)
Restart OBS after installing. For best experience, use global source for all of the counters.

Click "Global Sources.." in bottom-right part of OBS. Then click "Add" -> "Add Browser".
You can name your sources like you want, but I suggest you use counter type as the name
After naming and accepting the name, you get "Browser Source Settings window" see below for settings.


Q: I can't see anything on my source!
A: If you just created or enabled said source, you will have to wait few seconds for the page to load.
If the source doesn't load after few seconds or loads wrong data, check for typing errors in URL, 404 error is typo for sure.
If you get "Internal Server Error, wait for the counter to refresh few times (~10seconds).
If problem persists, re-enable the source.
If source is 0px*0px in size (very small in Edit Scene mode), check for any errors in size fields.
Re-create the source if problem persists.

Q: My screen flickers all the time if counters are enabled!
A: Check the size of all counters (Enable Edit Scene mode),
if one or more counters are way bigger than needed, see its size fields to shrink the size.
If this does not help, reduce amount of sources (problem with low-end machines).

Q: I can't see Browser in my Add Sources List!
A: Check that you are running 32-bit version (see main window title).
Check that you have installed the plugin correctly. See OBS\Plugins folder,
you should have folder "BrowserSourcePlugin" and a .dll file "BrowserSourcePluginWrapper"
Remember to restart OBS everytime you install any plugin.

Any material in this site is not associated with but with 3rd party (deffener)! Counters use API and website